Executive Director Corner

The ERM Africa prepares institutions to design and implement enterprise-wide risk management ERM framework.


  • Are constantly pushing the boundaries in build-up of ground-breaking banking and finance knowledge – through innovative research and partnership working with the world of business practice
  • Adopt an applied, practical and vocational orientation – but which is informed by rigorous academic underpinnings: thus equipping our participant client-base for the ‘world of banking and finance development and growth’ and/or professional progression
  • Offer outstanding learning opportunities and learning experiences which respond to the specific development needs of our varied clientele – and which will place us out front through our recognition of the vital importance in today’s highly uncertain environment of fostering individual ability to become a better and more resilient learner; and hence our focus on learning process as well as state-of-the-art knowledge content
  • Draw on best pedagogic practice, focus on creative and customised design, development and delivery of provision which facilitates business development, career path progression and/or academic advancement goals of our ‘client-base’

Offer total flexibility in delivery modes and location to meet the needs of local, regional and international clientele – providing breadth of client choice: short course or long programme provision within varied venues convenient to the client; or technology-facilitated distance learning; one-to-one or small study groups; or ‘within-your- business’ training, coaching or consultancy for the owner manager; or ‘flying faculty’ positioning our expertise country-wide or overseas; and with ‘partnership working provision’ in support of fellow colleges and universities